Planning applications,
site appraisals and advice

We provide site appraisals and advice on planning strategy, and manage planning applications for all types of development, including listed building consents.
How we can help
We prepare, submit and manage planning applications
Tetlow King Planning have extensive experience of preparing all types of planning application submissions for all types and scale of development. We are well versed in the development management process, experienced in speaking at planning committee and advise on Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), Section 106 agreements, Unilateral Undertakings and conditions.
Our team can also assist with reserved matters, permitted development advice, prior notification applications, Permission in Principle applications, advertisement consents, non-material amendments, removal or variation of conditions, and lawful development certificates.

How we can help
Site Appraisals
We produce detailed planning appraisals to assess the development potential of prospective sites including consideration of local and national policy and potential technical constraints to inform the planning strategy.
Planning Strategy
Tetlow King Planning provide advice on planning strategy, including assistance with call for sites submissions, site promotion through the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan process, speculative applications and appeals.
We prepare, submit and manage the planning appeal process for written representations, hearings and inquiries across all types of development, including enforcement appeals.
Expert witness
Our team of experienced expert witnesses are well versed in the preparation and presentation of evidence for planning appeal inquiries and hearings, as well as Local Plan Examinations. We are committed to clearly articulating the planning benefits of a development proposal through our detailed evidence.
We prepare representations on local and national policy documents to support and protect our clients land interests. At a more local level we also prepare representations on planning applications that are relevant to our clients interests.