Self-Build & Custom Build

We have unrivalled expertise in self-build and custom build housing.

How we can help

We advise on development proposals for self-build and custom build

Tetlow King Planning are uniquely placed in the industry to provide expert advice on development proposals for self-build and custom build, not only through our wide experience of successful planning applications and appeals, but also through our involvement with the Right to Build Task Force, The Bacon Review into scaling up the self-build and custom build sector and the National Custom and Self-Build Association (NaCSBA).

How we can help

We provide evidence on the need for
self-build and custom build

Our team produce detailed evidence on self-build and custom build demand and supply including consideration of secondary data sources and assessment of statutory duty performance to support planning applications.

We also provide a bespoke service for preparing detailed evidence on the need for self-build and custom build at appeal. Our team of expert witnesses have experience of more than 50 planning appeal inquiries and hearings presenting evidence on this type of development.